Feb 1, 2022

Artificial Intelligence in the Industry, Powered by German AI Association

[Online event] The AI Campus and AI Association (KI Bundesverband e.V.) are hosting a series of four events through the year 2022 where you can meet members from AI association (KI Bundesverband e.V.) presenting their solutions to problems especially from manufacturing and industrial processes. The focus of the events is on technology, but sales activities will also be discussed.

The first event starts with a keynote from Dr. Rasmus Rothe introducing the AI association, Germany's largest AI entrepreneur network. Rasmus is Co-Founder and board member of the German AI association. In this role he works closely with the German government on their AI strategy. He is also Co-Founder and CTO of Merantix.

After Rasmus' introduction, Kai Lichtenberg from codecentric will talk about AI in visual quality control in manufacturing. He will introduce AI-based image processing for the quality inspection of different, usually very hard to tackle surface inspection problems. This procedure does not need any complex data acquisition or data labelling during operation to learn the normal state. Anomaly is detected by deviations from the learned normal state. Kai is Head of Industrial Solutions and Machine Learning Engineer at codecentric. Before that, he co-founded sentin.ai.

Talks will be held in German.

In the next event of the series Artificial Intelligence in the Industry ... powered by German AI Association, you get to know Operaize and Elevait - Stay tuned!

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